Modern thoughts. Traditional practices.

For centuries, ancient culture consciously connected to the body’s innate healing from within. Through Samhara Energy Medicine (reiki), sound alchemy meditations, and gentle yogic movements, I invite you to tap into this wisdom to find grace.

Ever since I was little, I always had a deep connection to the Earth, and found I felt my truest self roaming through the trees or swimming in the deep blue sea. Stepping outside, I feel the storms and sunshine rise through the land and lovingly tap into these energies to heal your being. 

I call upon the wind, waves and trees to unblock, and open the subconscious mind to nurture the body and heal the soul. My work is designed to provide you with a supportive space to balance your yin + yang energy as you ease into a place of clarity and calm.

I am here to hold space for you to step into your highest self; claiming your version of bliss.

The process of these practices explained.

Understanding Reiki

  • Reiki is a traditional healing practice rooted in Japanese origins. By integrating a gentle ‘laying of the hands’ with ancient singing bowls, you’ll step into a calm, centred state — the ‘rest + digest’ nature of the parasympathetic nervous system — to heal the body. 

    Energy shifts on both cellular and physical levels for you to find peace. 

  • ~ Personal transformation
    ~ Rejuvenates the mind, body + soul
    ~ Nurtures the body
    ~ Alleviates tension and anxiety
    ~ Reduces stress
    ~ Opens new neural pathways to expand into consciousness
    ~ Heal your inner child
    ~ Balances energy centres
    ~ Heals physical and emotional pain
    ~ Relaxation + peace

    Together, we’ll reclaim your power. It’s time to reconnect with your highest good.

  • Everyone’s experience is different in this healing practice, these are just some general thoughts on what to expect during a session.

    As you lye there wrapped in blankets, we begin by tuning into your energy to see where you are at today. Through breathwork + intention setting, we ease into the practice.

    Through a gentle laying of the hands on the body combined with singing bowls, you will move away from fight or flight to rest and digest.

    During a session, you may laugh, cry, or feel tingling or heat in your body. You may feel the need to move around or stretch — this is all that ‘stuck’ energy releasing out of your body. These are all normal responses to allowing the body to release the energy and cultivate the good energy opening within.

    I am here to fully + completely support you during this healing journey.

Understanding Sound Baths

  • We live in a society where we are constantly in fight-or-flight mode — where we are continually stressing the body with outside stimulants that are harming us rather than healing us.

    When we are in this constant stressful/fast-paced space, our nervous system is heavily impacted in a negative way. Sound baths release this by giving our bodies + brains a break.

    Sound baths bring us into a deeper state of consciousness — emitting theta and alpha brainwaves to bring you into a truly deep state of relaxation.

    The sound waves vibrate through our being to release the outside stresses and place us in an outer-body experience where we can bliss out, restoring into a flow that feels good to us.

  • ~ Stimulate theta and alpha brainwaves, placing us into a deep meditative state
    ~ Reduce stress + anxiety
    ~ Let go of outside worries
    ~ Root into youn creativity
    ~ Heal your inner child
    ~ Improve sleep
    ~ Releases tension and stress placed on the body
    ~ Move into fluidity + flow

  • Everyone’s experience is different in this healing practice, these are just some general thoughts on what to expect during a session.

    Before you begin, you’ll lay down or sit in a comfortable seat — wrapping yourself in blankets and using props to find a comfortable space. We begin by focusing on our breath, relaxing the nervous system and easing into the practice.

    As the singing bowls are being played, you may feel the vibration of the sound rise through the Earth into your body. Through the session, I will guide you with my voice and the bowls to allow you to simply relax into this space.

    You may fall asleep, feel the need to cry, laugh or simply lay there in silence. During a session, you may feel tingling in the body, or heat on your energy centres. These feelings are all energy flowing though your body.

    I am here to guide you on this healing path, finding your version of bliss.

Understanding Restorative + Nidra Yoga

  • Restorative Yoga

    This practice is designed to simply here to provide you with the space to melt into comfortable postures designed for you to open your heart + ease your mind. Postures are held for 5-10 minutes to allow the body to simply rest in this space.

    Yoga Nidra ~ ‘Yogic Sleep’
This practice is a form of guided meditation that invites your body, mind and soul to step between the waking and sleeping state of consciousness.

  • ~ Places the body, mind + soul in a space of deep relaxation
    ~ Calms the mind
    ~ Reduces both physical + emotional tension
    ~ Allows healing to happen on a cellular level
    ~ Balances the nervous system
    ~ Boosts the immune system
    ~ Allows you to dive deep into your consciousness
    ~ Improves sleep
    ~ Reduces chronic pain
    ~ Minimizes stress + anxiety

    These practices are here to balance the yin + yang energy within your body.

  • Everyone’s experience is different in both yogic practices, these are just some general thoughts on what to expect during a session.

    We begin by focusing on the breath, taking time to settle into our space as we set an intention for the practice that lays ahead.

    During a restorative yoga class, we will use props to open our energy centres + bodies, and will hold the postures for 5-10 minutes.

    During a yoga nidra class, you will simply lye in a comfortable space, and I will guide you with my voice (and sometimes singing bowls) to allow the body to rest.

    Sessions are an hour in length and it is through my voice (and sometimes singing bowls) that you will gently open new neural pathways as you ease into the breath and movement.

    During each practice, I invite you to meet yourself where you’re at, because we are all brilliant beings ready to set into these healing practices.