Give your team the gift of breathing with ease.

Workplace stress is at an all-time high. A 2023 survey by Statistics Canada showed that at least 20 per cent of the employed population – or 4 million people – experienced “high or very high levels of work-related stress” across the country.

Together, let’s shift the narrative and invite ease into the workplace.

Melaina intuitively leads your group through a sound bath meditation to tap into workplace creativity, balance the nervous system, reduce anxiety, release workplace stress, and breathe into calm.

Collectively we’ll shift stuck energy to open new creative pathways to flow with ease.

As the waves of sound fill the body, the subtle layers of energy open. Collectively, we’ll move into a deep meditative state breathing into the subconscious to let go and find clarity as we open and expand.

During this practice, teams are held in a supportive space. Many people move into a deep state of consciousness and may fall alseep during the session, so we recommend having a space large enough for people to lye/sit on their own yoga mat.

Sessions are offered in the Niagara Region and are 60-minutes. If you live/work outside of Niagara, Melaina also hosts these sessions virtually/will travel to your group for an additional fee.